How to cancel a class?

đź’ˇ Always cancel your class before the cancellation window ends to prevent you from losing the ability to book classes for the rest of the month.

To cancel a booked class, follow the next steps according to your app’s home screen:

AB Wellhub home screen - PT-BR.png

Version A
  1. On the app's home screen, click on User.png Profile.
  2. In the Schedule section, search for the booked class. If there’s more than one class on the same day, the date will be shown twice or more in the calendar.
  3. Check the cancellation window.
    📌 If you cancel after it, you may lose the allowance to book new classes or attend the ones you’ve already booked. 
  4. Select Cancel booking and then Confirm cancellation.

⚠️ Having trouble canceling your class? Update your app to the latest version.

Version B
  1. Open the class confirmation email and check the cancellation window.
    📌 If you cancel after it, you may lose the allowance to book new classes or attend the ones you’ve already booked.
  2. Sign in to the Wellhub app.
  3. Go to the gym, studio, or Personal Trainer page and select the day booked.
  4. Click on Cancel and on Yes, cancel booking.

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