How to rate a gym, studio, or wellbeing service?

To rate a partner, select the screen version that matches yours, then follow the steps:

AB Wellhub home screen - PT-BR.png

Version A
  1. Log into the app and go to User.png Profile.
  2. Scroll down to Recent check-ins.
  3. Select Rate experience and rate it from 1 to 5 stars.
    To leave a comment, tap Anything to add?, write a message, and Save.
  4. Select Submit.
Version B
  1. Log into the app and search for the gym, studio, or service you want to rate.
  2. Select Reviews and then Write a review.
  3. Review it from 1 to 5 stars, and if needed, add a comment.
  4. Select Send.


The partner's score is the average of all submitted ratings and can be found on their profile.

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