How to check in?

Before starting any activity, check in on the Wellhub app to access gyms, studios, private sessions, or in-person/online classes. No check-in is required for Partner Apps.

For in-person activities, we recommend checking in when you’re already at the gym or studio’s entrance, as they may ask for your Wellhub ID.

📌 If you forget to check in using our app, the partner may deny your entry.

To check in, select the screen version that matches yours, then follow the steps:

AB Wellhub home screen - PT-BR.png

Version A
  1. Log in to the app and go to Checkin.png Check in.
  2. Select the gym or studio.
  3. Click on the activity you want to do and select Check in.

💡 For booked in-person or online classes, tap on Check-in at the top of the screen when it becomes available.

Version B
  1. Log in to the app and go to Check in.
  2. Select the gym or studio you wish to visit.
  3. Tap on the activity you want to do.
  4. Confirm check-in at the gym or studio front desk.


You will have up to 20 minutes to cancel the check-in if it has not yet been validated by the gym.

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